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What Is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that can be defined as the study of various algorithms that allow computer programs to improve themselves … Read more

Uses of CSS
CSS is the language for style sheets that are used in describing the presentation of an HTML document and its design which includes layout, fonts, … Read more

Operating System Using C
There hasn’t been much development in the field of developing an operating system since this field is considered very challenging. It is often considered as … Read more

Network Function Virtualization
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a concept belonging to the network architecture that makes use of IT virtualization technologies. It is used for the virtualization … Read more

What is quantum computing?
Quantum computers are used to solve our daily world problems just like those of classical computers but the way they manipulate the problems differ fundamentally. … Read more

What Is Serverless Computing?
The process of providing services related to the backend on an as-used basis is generally called serverless computing. The user does not have to worry … Read more