Scientists first time detect the newborn black hole into space. If Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity is valid, then it produces the gravitational waves similar to sound waves originating from a ringing bell.
In Journal ” Physical Review Letters“, it was published that they have detected the multiple gravitational waves by using the hierarchical approach. They also used the LIGO and Virgo (gravitational waves detection system also known as interferometer), to detect the gravitational waves.
By using Einstein’s equations, the researchers identified the pattern of the black hole. They have calculated it spin and mass of the black hole. These calculation and measurements were very similar, which was previously calculated by others.
None of the things is confirmed till now about the presence of a hole. Everything is based on the calculation and theory given by Albert Einstein’s equations. If the calculation very or if we will find some other properties other than spin, mass, and electric charge, then it goes beyond the actual theory given by Albert Einstein.
“We all expect general relativity to be correct, but this is the first time we have confirmed it in this way,”
says by: MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
A chirp Sound Detected from Newborn Black Hole
On Sept. 9, 2015, scientist first time detect the high gravitational waves using Albert Einstein’s theory. The detection was named as GW150914, which was observed by the LIGO (interferometer). As soon as the scientist cleared the noise and zoomed the signal, they found that the gravitational waveform makes the high-pitched sound before fading away. When this ‘high-pitched sound’ was detected, it was found that it was similar to the ‘chirp’.
Maximiliano Isi says that our whole community are very excited about that, these types of studies are now possible. He also says that in future we will make better, effective and sensitive devices to detect the exact phenomena happens on the earth and space.